
Creative Direction // Web Design // Pro Bono // Re-Branding


ApotheCrate is an online vitamin subscription service that provides tailored supplement plans for their members, families, and even pets.

We were asked to pinpoint user issues and redesign the ApotheCrate site based on research to improve conversions. We decided to revamp the Homepage's info architecture and streamline the user sign-up and account creation process with the given timeframe we had with this client.


✧ Title – UX Designer & Project Manager
✧ Role – Organized deadlines for the team and a research report for the client. Contributed to the ideation of the new check-out process and low to hi-fi mockups.
✧ Result – ApotheCrate used our designs to implement on their site with a development team.
✧ Tools – Adobe Xd, Lucid Chart, OptimalSort, Zeplin


"How can we improve ApotheCrate's current experience, preventing users from deterring to sign-up for a subscription?"

Upon meeting, the client expressed their frustrations with the site's subscription process and the difficulty of explaining their business model in a way for users to easily understand.


Conducting a heuristic evaluation, running a competitive analysis, sample surveying, 25+ health enthusiasts, and more...

Upon meeting, the client expressed their frustrations with the site's subscription process and the difficulty of explaining their business model in a way for users to easily understand.
We discovered that the most severe heuristics violated across the site were learnability and efficiency. The homepage had an overwhelming length. Users had to scroll to the bottom of the page to view important pricing information. Users mistook in-active areas such as "Connect with Specialists" and "Discovery" to be clickable.
Subscription Tiers had unclear membership fee coverage, and prices did not reflect the additional cost of supplements included in the plan. With no clear process and an overload of information, there was little incentive to sign up.


Compiling the sentiment and usability testing data to determine key pain points of supplement consumers.

A Google Forms survey was sent to a pool of 25 individuals, 10 of them being current users. We also went into the field and spoke with 8 customers at a local GNC. Topics explored included supplement conversions in-store vs. online, factors that can change their shopping habits, and essential product details.We found that customers purchase in-store largely due to the ability to view nutrition facts in depth to ensure the product is from a credible source, revealing to us the importance of translating this online.

In addition, we conducted 10 usability tests to pin-point areas of friction and discovered that overall users are unsure of the sign-up process after submitting a client intake form and at what point is that you should create an account. Other questions that stood out are:


How do I know if this is a legitimate business with real health specialists?



Does filling out an intake form create an account?



When am I getting charged for a subscription?



I don't know what my membership covers and the benefits for signing up.



After analyzing our research results, we determined that we needed to update the user flow and reorganize the information on the homepage within a new navigational scheme.
At first glance, the user flow looks simple and concise, but the lack of details actually caused a lot of issues for our users when we tested the sign-up process.

No. 1 - The only way for a user to begin signing-up was through a global nav link "Client Intake Form". There were no other CTA's across the site.

No. 2 - As users filled out the Intake form, they had no direction on next steps and did not realize they would next be contacted through the phone in order to choose the supplements corresponding to their plan.

No. 3 - After providing payment information to an ApotheCrate specialist through email, there is no payment confirmation.

No. 4 & 5 - In order to review their receipt and confirmation of payment, users would have to go back to the ApotheCrate site and create an account despite already submitting payment.
No. 1 & 2 - Multiple CTA's included across the site and homepage directing users to register. Also a new products page was created.

No. 3 - A new pricing table page was added to the flow to clearly depict membership prices. This also provided a disclaimer that membership does not include products, only the service and access to supplement tailoring.​

No. 4 - After a user registers, they are prompted to create an account to solve for having to create one later after already deciding to submit a payment.​

No. 5 - A confirmation page prevents any doubt and includes direction on next steps. Users now know to expect a call from an ApotheCrate health specialist.​

No. 6 & 7 - After deciding on the products the user would like to include through the call, they can now log in with their account info and view the cart, modify, or confirm. The only next step is to pay and receive confirmation.
We were able to condense the homepage by creating a secondary nav, which not only made the homepage length shorter but also allowed different types of content to become more discoverable.


Collaborating as a team on all major UX components with the design studio approach.

By using the design studio method, all designers were able to contribute multiple lo-fi wireframes. We discussed the elements that we felt necessary in the next iteration as a committee until a prototype ready for testing was developed.
✧ Users prefer to have multiple contact options when signing up.

✧ Needs more clarification on supplement details and benefits.

✧ Concerns with data security.
✧ Included radio button options for user's preferred contact method when setting up Personal Info.

✧ Expanded Homepage to include sections linking to Health Specialists profiles and sourcing info page.

✧ Included a HIPAA compliance note in the sign-up process.
The challenge here was to include all the listed conditions in order for the health specialists to make an informed supplement plan without overwhelming the user and prevent any chance of scroll fatigue.
Iteration No. 01
Iteration No. 04
Iteration No. 07
No. 01 split the conditions list into two columns. This iteration was the simplest and most suitable for the MVP but we wanted to explore other options to "wow" the client with a new idea.​

As we continued to iterate, a dropdown list was suggested. This was scraped because we required too high of cognitive load for the user to remember what conditions they wanted to check off.​

The last iteration and ultimately the design we presented to the client was a conditions list with a search & select element. This iteration allowed users to search and see popular conditions that was selected for each letter and input them into a selected section of the screen.


Using the branding as a visual hook to draw users into discovering more about the website.

We wanted to create a mood and style that invoked a warm, welcoming feeling and re-affirm that ApotheCrate is a legitimate organization with high quality products.



"Biting off more than you can chew."

As a team we wanted to improve ApotheCrate across the entire site but it's important to keep the project's scope in mind. With our time constraints, it was not feasible to re-design everything which is why we halted after re-vamping the homepage, sign-up, and check-out screens. Our goal was to improve UX to drive more sign-ups and have accomplished that with this contribution.